
The Role of the Fight Director
The Role of the Fight Director is to ensure that any act of Violence Performed on Stage or for the Camera is in Keeping with the Historical Setting of the Production, Fits with the Characters Performing it, is Convincing for the People Watching and is Safe, or as Safe as Possible for the Actors to do.
Whilst the Model for Stage FIghting Rehearsals is fairly well established - the Actors Learn the Fight Early in the Rehearsal Process, Practise throughout the Production and are Checked at Dress and possible halfway through the run if it is a Long One - Fighting for Film has yet to Standardise it's own Procedure, and knowing the World of Film probably never will. To this end, Our Fight Directors have taken their Extensive Experience across many Projects, working with Young Performers, Students, Experienced Amateurs and Professional Performers and have Devised a number of Models as to how you can ensure to get the Best Possible Fight Sequence for Whatever your Budget might be.
Fighting for Film : Training Models
The Boot Camp
A Period of Training after Casting but Before Rehearsal to train all of the Actors and Fight Specialists to perform all of the Fights that they will be doing. Great for Massive Battles and Action Heavy Productions. As Used by '300' and the 'Pirates of the Carribean' Series. Also great for Military Epics with Foot and Rifle Drill included
On Set Training
Time Set Aside on Location to Devise, Rehearse and Perform the Fights for Camera. Whilst Shorter than the above model, Large Scale Fights will require Specialist Performers and Possibly Doubles for the Actors, depending on their Physical Ability to Learn and Perform the Fights. This Model is generally used by Television Series, such as Vikings, although it was used to Great Effect for the Feature 'The Knife that Killed Me'
Working Round Shooting
When time is Tight! (when is it not?) Working on the day of the shoot itself, though ideally having crafted the Fights to the Location and Characters beforehand. Early Starts, Long Days and Late finishes, but with a crew of dedicated Fight Performers who will get your Battle in the Bag. Again, Actors may need Doubles depending on Physical Ability